Friday, July 17, 2009

Meet My Chics

Shelly is the yellow chick in the center with thick black stripes.

Wallace, Beefy Brian (BB), Sweet & Love

Chicky Poo, Annie, Big Head

Gregory & Jillian were my last 2 to hatch and at that point I was too busy holding and feeding the others I didn't get a chance to get pictures of them. Everyone always says you get more pictures of your first kid because you have time and then by the next you are just too busy. I understand that now. ;)

Gregory & Jillian were all black. Unfortunately Jillian didn't make it. She was my very last to hatch. I think she was in her egg too long. I had prepared myself very well for this. My father warned me a hundred times over that you always lose chicks and they wont all hatch. As much preparing as I did, I was still very bummed.


  1. they are all so flipping adorble, but i think beefy brian is my best. keep robin away from him. :)

  2. I have had my chickens for about 6 weeks now and still only 2 of them have names. And I have not even taken pictures of my two new ones. I need to get on the ball!

  3. I like Chicky Poo-- she's so cute!

  4. OH MY- what are you going to do w/ all those birds? are you going to start a hatchery in your home.
    Your so attached already!
    How can one ever part w/ Wallace or Chicky Poo?
