Thursday, April 29, 2010

Raven Rock

This past Sunday, we drove to Lillington for a hike. We packed the dogs in the back of the truck and snacks in a backpack. The Park was called Raven Rock. It was a great hike. On our way home we stopped at a small farm stand, to buy fresh strawberries. We ended up with a little more than strawberries but none of it lasted long enough for a photo shoot. They had fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, something I literally dream about every night. I sliced them up for dinner that night with salt and vinegar. Yum. It brought me to a summer night at home.


  1. Wow, this place is so beautiful. All the pictures are awesome!
    Jealous about the strawberries. Another 6 weeks before they are in season here.

  2. love all the great pics Meg!

  3. ok, looking at your pics again and holy shiz, you married Mark!! cracking up at how much Ben looks like him. :)
