Thursday, April 29, 2010


For those of your who aren't familiar with Cash, let me explain.. A couple of months ago Ben and I were looking through the baby books the hospital gave us. The book has week by week pictures of what the fetus/baby looks like and compared the sizes of it to fruits and veggies. I think it was the same week the book said it was about Lima-bean size, Ben decided it looked more like a cashew. (I'll have you know, the book only compared the size to veggies and fruits, not the actual appearance. However that week it did resemble a cashew, but today it does not look like a plum, it's just about the same size.) Cashew stuck and was quickly nick named Cash. Ben now insists on calling our child Cash through out it's life. I asked him one day what would happen if this baby was a girl, Cash isn't a very girl like name. He simply said "looks like she's stuck with a pretty bad nickname."

I had my first real doctors appointment Friday, April 23rd. Ben graduated Raven school early, so he had Friday off and could join me for the appointment. Most of my books had informed me that we would get to hear the heart beat, so having him there for that meant a lot.

The nurse took out the Doppler to find the heartbeat. The Doppler reminded me of a toy I had when I was a kid. It looked like a radio with a toy microphone. Sounded like one too. A lot of scratchiness and high pitched screams. She spent a few minutes trying to find the heartbeat, but wasn't able to. The nurse stayed very calm and confident so being nervous about it never crossed my mind...until telling this story to others and them gasping when I told them she couldn't find the heartbeat at first. We never did get a chance to hear the heartbeat that day, but instead we saw it. The nurse pulled out the ultrasound machine. We figured out why she wasn't able to pick up a heartbeat with the Doppler. The baby wouldn't stop moving. It was moving from one side of the uterus to the other, very fast. In the words of Benjamin "he was dartin' around like a little trout" I love my Mainer!

We even got a picture of the baby. We weren't expecting this for at least another month or so. So it was very exciting. Having Ben by my side was the best. I hope we can continue to do these visits together.

The little white spots are the baby's hands. (Ben says by the size of the hands it's definitely a boy and he's going to be the future MVP for the Red Sox.) To the right of the hands, is baby's head. It's not a very clear pic as it is really soon to have an ultrasound done. The nurse also said that the one done in radiology will be much clearer.

However My Mom and Dad saw past the blur and say it looks like me. Thanks for the laughs Mom and Dad. I wish I could be home to share this all with you. I miss you guys every day.

Raven Rock

This past Sunday, we drove to Lillington for a hike. We packed the dogs in the back of the truck and snacks in a backpack. The Park was called Raven Rock. It was a great hike. On our way home we stopped at a small farm stand, to buy fresh strawberries. We ended up with a little more than strawberries but none of it lasted long enough for a photo shoot. They had fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, something I literally dream about every night. I sliced them up for dinner that night with salt and vinegar. Yum. It brought me to a summer night at home.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The 500. Part 1

I've taken to exploring these days. Without much else to do during my day, I figure why not? Right behind our house are trails. Trails wide enough for trucks! However I've done all my exploring on foot. (I've recently heard walking is supposed to be good for you anyway..) The trails go every which way. The first one Ben and I took led us to our mailbox. Good thing that one is there. In case our driveway is blocked off, we can still get our mail. Phew. The second trail we took was a bit more exciting. Not very far from our house, but still a pretty sweet find. Maybe 7 minutes into our walk we started hearing peepers. Peepers, from what I know, don't venture very far from water. Within a couple of minute of being serenaded by the little toads, we reached a clearing. There was a good sized pond in front of us. It appeared to be man made. There was a large drain on the right side of the pond that water was constantly spilling into. We couldn't figure out how the pond was ever filled or continued to stay full with a drain in it. After talking to my Mother (My Mom is my go to. I swear that woman knows more that most human beings. She always has a logical answer for me.) We figured that when building the pond they must have hit an underground spring. That would explain the jumping fish. JUMPING FISH I say. You all know me.. I take that stuff pretty seriously. I love me some fishing. =) This also explains why Charlie was coming home soaked. I wasn't aware we were surrounded by water, I just assumed he had learned to use the shower, it would have been about time.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Turns Out Fayetteville Has More To Offer Me Than Just A Few Sonic's

I moved South to a town full of unfamiliarity's. Little family and even fewer friends. A place I never thought I would get to enjoy like I do Maine. 4 of us crammed into a 2 bedroom apartment, living out of plastic totes was short lived. After about a month of online searching and phone calls, we visited 736 McCloskey Road..

That was obviously the last home we visited. Not only did this gem have a huge kitchen and the porch of my dreams, it sits on 500 untouched acres. No typo there kids, five hundred is what I intentionally typed. There is not a Sonic on this property any where. I cant even see one from the roof. But, a drive down our long bumpy dirt drive way, a left and right.. brings you into Sonic land..
This home was very easy to settle into. With plenty of space for all the dishes, cups, pots, pans and excessive kitchen utensils that multiplied by two upon moving in with Kim. Also leaving enough space for Benjamin's sanity. Living with 3 women doesn't usually leave a man with much extra room for that. I think he is doing okay though. Hmm. He has been working late a lot and visiting other states since the move. Coincidence? Couldn't be.

We are completely moved in now. We even bought a grill for the porch. Well more for us than the porch, but it looks good on there. Right next to the rocking chairs!

To answer every ones question. Visitors are welcome anytime.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm Backkk!

maybe for good this time...