Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Snakes, Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

We had our first real ultrasound Monday June, 21st. Cash has grown so much in the last 2 months. It looks just like a baby now, only much smaller than it will be at birth. (darn!) We started feeling Cash move. I felt it once while home in Maine and Ben felt it about 2 weeks ago. It tends to move around a lot more with Ben's hand on my stomach.. I'm not worried though, it will still say Mommy first. =)

Cash's Face.
All the features are there and in the correct places now.

I know it appears our baby doesn't have arms, but it does. I asked the doctor to make sure. She showed us from another angle. Both arms are there! Phew.

Oh yeah, It's a boy!
Neither Ben or I drew in the arrow in, that was the doctor. As if we really needed the arrow there to make it clear.
Sorry for the exposure Cash, but we needed to start collecting pictures now to show your first girlfriend.
We would of course been pleased with a boy or girl. Although I spent many days praying and crossing my fingers for a boy the first time around. I can't imagine one is really any easier than the other, but still having a girl scared the heck out of me. I've watched my sister Robin's kids grow up my whole life. Admiring her family and they way they have all turned out. She has 3 boys and one incredible little girl. (I've mentioned Scout a few times before) If my children grow up to be half the kids hers are now, I will be pretty happy. All her boys are caring, responsible, smart, funny....I could go on for a long time. They also love their little sister, though hard to identify at times. Calling her a wet rat on a daily basis hardly seems like love, but they were just putting her through some tough girl training. Right, Scout? :) You have done great job putting up with there constant teasing over the years and you are the toughest almost 12 year old girl I know. Hopefully some day Cash will have a little baby sister. And Ray boys, please show him how it's done.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not picking favorites. All my sister's children are wonderful, I love them all to pieces and I can't wait for them all to be a part of Cash's life. I have an amazing family and will need all the help I can get from both parents and their children!